Saturday night, my friend and I left the house late…and we should have known the night would be interesting when a rat zipped across his feet while we waited for the subway. We re-surfaced near Chinatown and while the GPS navigator misguided us through crooked streets & past shops in a language quite different from English, we settled into the NY night life seen. Through intuitive ignoring of the GPS, we found the secret crooked alleyway and a line we hoped would lead us into this famous bar. Like good Americans, we qued at the end of the line. Within a few sentences of conversation, the doorman came along the line, focused on my friend and asked, in a short elitist, british voice…
“Are you going to wear that hat inside the club?”
My friend: “I had planned on it.”
English doorman peering down his nose: “Where you from?”
My friend: “Philladelphia. Well, actually just north of there but close enough.”
English doorman, now intrigued: “You gonna take that hat off when you get in the club?”
My friend, in the same cool nonchalant voice: ”I hadn’t planned on it.”
English doorman: “Where you from?”
My Friend: “Philadelphia”
English doorman, grinning: “Okay, let’s go in then.”
As we walked past the 15+people in line, the grumbles started. The man at the door smiled and told my friend he could wear his hat and to have a good time. At no point did they look at me or want to engage my wit and sarcasm. I’m still not sure what happened but it worked!(I suspect it was the Indian Jones hat) We were in, with no cover charge and ready for the experience. Instead of subjecting you my darkly lit bar camera learning curve, I’ll just give you the link to the most awesome bar on earth (above in blue: Apotheke). I have fallen in love with the design, atmosphere and experience this place provides. So take a few moments and look through the pictures, making sure to see the chemistry set chandelier and bathroom sink copper shower head faucet ("Space" tab at the top of their webpage & check out the history of Doyers St. on the "Our Story" tab).